Pixhawk V6X Autopilot H7 Double-precision floating-point processor High-performance ARM M3 coprocessor Low noise Car-grade IMUs Triple redundant IMUs and
STM32H743 processor Aerospace grade ADI16470 accelerometer & gyroscope RM3100 Industrial grade compass
Nora+ Autopilo STM32H743 Processor ICM-42688-P Acce&Gyro RM3100 Industrial compass
X7+ Flight Controller STM32H743 Processor ICM-42688-P Acce&Gyro RM3100 Industrial compass
V5 nano® is an autopilot for space-constrained applications manufactured by CUAV®. It is based on the Pixhawk FMUv5 design
V5+® is an advanced autopilot designed by CUAV® and the PX4 team and manufactured by CUAV. It is based