CUAV LBA 3 Communication Micro BaseStation Introduction Specification Tutorial Buy Range Test Video One Basestation Is Enough LBA 3
P9 Radio CUAV P9 telemetry features: 1–902-928MHz frequency band 2–276kbps Link Rate 3–40km Range. 4–Support 3S-12S Battary Input. 5–Dual-end
P8 Module 840-845MHz Frequency Band Communication Link 40km Ragne 345kbps Link Rate 840-845MHz Frequency Band Point-to-Point, and Relay Communication
The cost-effective digital data telemetry developed by CUAV supports 4G/3G/2G network with network delay as low as 40~20ms.
The LTE LINK series communication link is a UAV communication link independently developed by CUAV. It supports the integration